Strong FoundationsReports

State Postsecondary Data Research Partnerships: Strong Foundations 2020

Publish Date
November 16, 2021
Carrie Klein, Christina Whitfield, Dustin Weeden

SHEEO agencies have long relied on postsecondary data to inform policy and decision-making. Since the 1970s, these data typically have been stored and protected in postsecondary student unit record systems (PSURSs) and, in the last decade, increasingly linked to statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDSs). With the advent of predictive modeling and analytics technologies and amidst growing calls for postsecondary transparency and accountability, use of disaggregated student-level data for research is becoming a mission-critical imperative for SHEEO agencies. This second paper from SHEEO’s Strong Foundations 2020 survey assesses the relationship between states, their PSURSs, and external researchers.