
State Postsecondary Data: How Data Governance and Funding Influence Innovation and Sustainability

In a new report, the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) examines the ongoing efforts and challenges states have in safeguarding and sustaining their postsecondary student unit record systems…


Communities of Practice: Exploring Multi-State and Multi-Sector Data Projects

The tenth Communities of Practice convening, “Exploring Multi-State and Multi-Sector Data Projects,” was held February 7-8, 2024, in Alexandria, VA. The two-day meeting included more than 50 representatives from 14…


Evolving Systems, Improving Insights, and Enduring Value: Strong Foundations 2023 

For more than 50 years, state agencies have used postsecondary student unit record systems (PSURSs) data to inform policy and decision-making. In Strong Foundations 2023, SHEEO asked which state partner…


Communities of Practice: Improving Equity and Opportunity Through Postsecondary Data

The seventh Community of Practice convening, “Improving Equity and Opportunity through Postsecondary Data,” was held September 28-29, 2022, in Denver, CO. The two-day meeting included more than 80 representatives from…


Communities of Practice: Aligning K-12 and Postsecondary Education

The sixth Communities of Practice convening, “Aligning K-12 and Postsecondary Education,” was held in Denver, Colorado, in December 2021. The two-day meeting included representatives from 13 states which included members…


State Postsecondary Data Research Partnerships: Strong Foundations 2020

SHEEO agencies have long relied on postsecondary data to inform policy and decision-making. Since the 1970s, these data typically have been stored and protected in postsecondary student unit record systems…


Privacy and Security in State Postsecondary Data Systems: Strong Foundations 2020

State postsecondary data systems contain a wealth of information—including detailed records about individuals—that allow states to analyze and improve their postsecondary education systems. The entities that maintain these systems operate…


Communities of Practice: Developing Financial Aid Metrics in State Data Systems

The fourth Communities of Practice convening, “Developing Guided Pathways and Financial Aid Metrics in State Data Systems,” was held in Seattle, Washington, in April 2019. The two-day meeting included representatives…


Communities of Practice: Developing Guided Pathways Metrics in State Data Systems

State postsecondary education data systems are vital information assets for policymakers, researchers, and the public. The Communities of Practice project (funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) at SHEEO…


Strong Foundations 2018: The State of State Postsecondary Data Systems

Since 2010, the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) has periodically administered the Strong Foundations survey, which documents the content, structure, and effective use of state postsecondary student unit…


Integrating Independent Institutions in State Postsecondary Data Systems

This paper highlights opportunities and challenges associated with integrating independent institutions into state postsecondary data systems.


Improving Access to State Postsecondary Data Systems

This white paper highlights how legislative staff, education journalists, institutional researchers, and policy and advocacy organizations use state data systems; their concerns regarding those systems; and opportunities for SHEEO agencies…